ASME Community Platform to Be Sunset

ASME Community Platform to Be Sunset

ASME values the contributions of our members and volunteers to our codes and standards, events, programs, and publications, and takes your information security seriously.  ASME staff is evaluating and evolving our technology platforms to safeguard our constituents' security and move towards more modern technology to facilitate effective collaboration. Therefore, on March 28, 2022, ASME will be sunsetting our eight-year-old ASME Community platform. Platform use has decreased by over 70% from its peak years.  In addition, the system does not meet today’s benchmarks for functionality or information security and is no longer supported by its original developers.
Some large public groups that used the ASME Community as their primary outward communication tool will be moved to You'll be notified directly with more details if your group is affected. Sections and Student Sections will be using the new portal which will provide resources and information to their constituents.
We recognize that technology system changes may inconvenience some users for a limited time, but ASME staff will continue to look for enhancements to our technology ecosystem and provide you with guidance on how to better use social media platforms and other ways to communicate and collaborate. If you have any questions about the transition, please contact us at
Thank you!

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